About us

IMG_5360                                                                                                                                        Argos offers the most complete in house renovation service in the U.K. From a Mercian respray to the latest carbon fibre frameset can all be handled by ourselves.

Repairs to most framesets can also be undertaken.

Stove enamelling to framesets can be as simple as a single colour finish, to a multi coloured design with full transfer set fitted,

We offer a wide range of colours, colour matching is also possible.

Transfers for most framesets can be obtained. These are applied to the frame and then laquered over (where possible) to ensure a lasting appearance.

Original or reproduction transfers are usually available.

One of the areas we specialise in is the repair and renovation of many classic and period frames such as Mercian, Hetchins, Claud Butler, Jack Taylor, Holdsworth, Bates, Ephgrave and many more.